Aleksey SNTRV

Marketing&AI for business
125.000 leads had been gained last year
More than 6 years of business development experience
I use only reality-proven methods of lead-gen
Алексей Синтерёв
Aleksey SNTRV
Marketing&AI for business
125.000 лидов получили мои клиенты за 2023 год
More than 6 years of business development experience
I use only reality-proven methods of lead-gen
Алексей Синтерёв
6 countries
42 cities
70+ companies
100+ projects
My clients: some geography
My Expertise: AI and marketing
AI implementation
Systematic lead-gen
  • Choosing a market niche
  • Anti-crisis strategy
  • Entering the international market
I'll build a reliable professional with worldwide knowledge into your company's operating system
I'll organize an uninterrupted flow of new leads to your business
Partners and distributors all around the world
About me
  • Long-term cooperation - is a primary value
    Over the years of work, I have experienced dozens of ups and downs in different companies
    • I know how to get the company out of a crisis situation and turn it into a huge increase in profit
    • I know how to save budgets at the start-up stage and how to reduce costs by improving the efficiency of business processes
    • I know how to control the quality of services provided and create powerful regulations for employees, with whom they will perform work much more efficiently
    All this is not built in 2 weeks, a month, or even a quarter. And you understand it perfectly well.
  • Loyalty comes first, financial performance comes last

    Pricing of my work is based on a mutually beneficial model, my clients receive discounts not as a way to work out objections, but in return for our mutual trust and good relationships
Services: format of my work
To create and grow a startup
To organize an uninterrupted flow of new leads to the business
To implement a team management system and AI tools
To automate the client care service and even the sales department
Станьте лидером своей ниши или займите свою собственную. Вашим клиентам только предстоит узнать о том, что им нужен ваш продукт, а я сделаю так, чтобы это произошло уже сегодня.
Двигатель любого бизнеса - продажи
Топливо для него - заявки.
Я позабочусь, чтобы их хватало
Сократите ФОТ и упростите
Проверенные подрядчики и личный проектный менеджер снимут вашу
головную боль
ИИ-ассистент может общаться с клиентами на вашем сайте, в соцсетях и даже в личных сообщениях Telegram от вашего имени!

To call 1 million of your clients' numbers in just one day
To put your business's car on the rails of autonomous operation
Голосовой робот с искусственным интеллектом найдёт вам новых клиентов и обработает их так же, как ваш самый опытный менеджер, но в 1000 раз быстрее
Грамотная стратегия продвижения
будет работать сама на себя,
пока вы сосредоточитесь
на более важных задачах
Boost your business using future tools
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